The Home of Loving Faithfulness (HOLF)
Monthly Worship at HOLF
"In response to an urgent last-minute request from HOLF, we were able to cook lunch and dinner for 32 staff per day, for two consecutive days, when their in-house cook was on sick leave. Praise the Lord for His provision, we were able to rise up to the occasion and bless the staff."
"Hi, Mei Lin and Pastor Jones, we all at HOLF are so grateful to you for helping HOLF to lead worship at Shaan Shaan's memorial service. It is such a blessing for HOLF." -- Wenda Wong. Executive Manager.
Curtis and Mei-Lin Jones ministering in worship at Shaan shaan's memorial service.
By the grace of God Mei-Lin and I were finally able to do "live" worship with the residents and staff of HOLF after one year of online meetings! Best of all, our very first worship service was held at Easter weekend on Holy Saturday, praise the Lord! What a blessing for all present, including us, as we finally can see each other face-to-face, and rejoice in our Lord's resurrection. HALLELUJAH!
Pastor Curtis Jones
EHC (Asia) Ltd.
Worship at HOLF
We are so blessed and honoured to bring weekly "live" worship online to the residents and staff at HOLF during the pandemic. The virtual worship program began at the end of March during the 5th wave of Omicron when there were territorywide lockdowns and social restrictions.
Every Saturday afternoon, our friends at HOLF gather for 30 minutes of "praise and worship therapy," if we can call it, and enjoy the presence of the Lord together. EHCA gifted a large LCD TV for this purpose, so that everyone can comfortably see the screen. What a joy it is for Mei-Lin and I to encourage and support HOLF through this worship ministry!
We have "adopted" the Home of Loving Faithfulness in Kwu Tung as our special project. Please check out their website, and if God moves you we encourage you to support their amazing ministry to provide quality of life to those who cannot help themselves.
HOLF celebrated its 56th anniversary on August 13, 2021. An incredible milestone!
Alan Fok, Social Worker at HOLF, receiving donation of an Ipad from Rev. Curtis Jones, Director of EHC (Asia) Ltd., for one of the residents who is now unable to sit up or lift her head.
Wing Sze enjoying watching video show via the donated ipad.